Alyssa pissed me off the other night.
We were at my internship and everyone had left. It was just me and her. They had let everyone go early because of inclement weather, so my girlfriend and her husband wouldn't have been expecting us for awhile anyway. Of course I wasn't going to miss this opportunity to try to seduce her.
We were walking out when I pressed her up against the wall, threw all the stuff she had been holding down on the floor, and started kissing her. Her tongue deeply entered my mouth, and mine into hers. I slipped my hand under her shirt, running my fingers down her sides, and felt goosebumps erupt over her skin. I cupped her breast with one hand and grabbed her ass with the other as I kissed her neck. I then ran my finger along the waistline of her pants and grabbed her belt. I asked, "Are you sure you have to go right now?
She said she did because her husband was freaking out about the weather and that I should think of it this way, "it will only make you want me more"....and then she added, "and make me want you more."
I should have fought her on it, I'm sure she would have caved, but I'm just not like that.
She took me home, and I set her up to get "revenge" for leaving with the girl's version of "blue balls." Blue clit, perhaps?
I sent her a text saying, "Baby, you made my pussy so wet."
She responded, "Mmmm, I wanna taste that."
In return, I said, "Well, you could have. I was right there in your hands, and you let me slip away. Maybe next time you will take advantage of me."
I wanted her to feel like she missed out. I did want to make her really miss me.
She texted back, "I will keep that in mind next time."
I've decided I want to play a little hard to get and make her come begging to me. I want the feeling back of her pursuing and trying to seduce me, and I want to be the one in control of what happens next.
In the beginning, it was her that was pursuing me, and once I knew she was interested, I became the one initiating and putting her in control. This often left me rejected or disappointed because of her other obligations.
I've had enough of that.
I didn't text her all day yesterday, when I would often text her in the morning, around lunch, and at about bedtime. She ended up texting me at 10 o'clock last night, "Good night sweetie. By the way, I left you a present at [my internship]. Sweet dreams."
It seems like my plan is working. I got her to initiate the conversation with me, instead of me always having to do it.
I replied with "I have a present for you under my clothes."
To which she responded "Mmmm...I can't wait to unwrap that."
After that I didn't text back.
Like I said, I want to "play hard to get," but I also don't want her to think I'm no longer interested or for her to lose interest, so now I have to find a balance.
I didn't text her this morning, but I did around lunch time. I just said "Hey beautiful. I've just been thinking of you and hope your day is going all right. xoxo."
Her response was "Hey gorgeous! Busy as usual [at work]. Thanks for the well-wishes. Same to you."
The plan is to not send a text to her the rest of the day, unless she initiates the conversation.
So that's the game right now.